Smart Water Tank Monitoring

Elevate the water quality and longevity of your water tanks with our Smart Water Tank Monitoring solution. Leveraging the transformative power of IoT, Disrupt-X’s solution ushers in a new era of water tank management, ensuring the optimal functionality of your critical water resources.

Unleashing Innovation in Water Tank Management​

This IoT solution measures:

PH Levels






Free Chlorine (calculated)

Did You Know ?

1- Health Risk

Unmanaged water tanks can lead to a buildup of sediments and corrosion, affecting the efficiency of your water-related equipment and installations.

2- Equipment Damage

Unmanaged water tanks can lead to a buildup of sediments and corrosion, affecting the efficiency of your water-related equipment and installations.

1- Health Risk

Poor water quality in tanks can lead to a multitude of health issues, including digestive problems and skin conditions.

2- Equipment Damage

Unmanaged water tanks can lead to a buildup of sediments and corrosion, affecting the efficiency of your water-related equipment and installations.

Benefits of Smart Water Tank Monitoring


With real-time monitoring of water levels, prevent overflows and leakages, ensuring optimal water use and contributing to water conservation efforts.

Stay on top of water health indicators like pH levels, turbidity, and TDS, ensuring that the water stored is always safe for use.

By maintaining optimal water conditions and preventing sediment buildup, extend the lifespan of your water tank and connected equipment.

Avoid expensive repairs or replacements with proactive problem identification. Early detection allows for immediate intervention, saving on maintenance costs over time.

Keep your water safe for all users. With our system, harmful changes in water quality are detected swiftly, allowing for immediate corrective measures to ensure safe water conditions.

Check Out Our Marketplace

Smart Water Quality Monitoring

The Device Will Monitor Temperature, PH, ORP, Free Chlorine, TDS, Salinity And Conductivity. Among the parameter, Free Chlorine, TDS And Conductivity Are AI Based Calculations.
This IoT Device Measures And Sends The Pool Data Once Every Hour And Uses Sigfox Connectivity For Data Transmission.This IoT Device Measures And Sends The Pool Data Once Every Hour And Uses Sigfox Connectivity For Data Transmission.

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